
As far as I can tell the job of Congress is to call a witness and then scream the dumbest possible stuff at the person and try and score political points for their side of the aisle.

I watched a clip of MTG screaming at Dr. Fauci over COVID as though they’re on equal footing as persons of science.

The stance that the GOP has taken on COVID is absolutely bizarre.

“It was a hoax,” is kind of hollow when you consider a million Americans died.

It seems that they believe that Dr. Fauci and some people in Wuhan released it on the world in an effort to make money off it,

Then, if you’re to believe the entire story, the vaccine was created by the orange menace, thus saving the world even though he went out of his way to tell people to avoid getting vaccinated.

It’s mind-numbingly stupid, and Dr. Fauci has had to sit there and listen to the rants of Rand Paul, MTG, that idiot one from Colorado and ‘whatever the way the wind blows’ Graham.

I can’t imagine what a man of science and education thinks when they’re shouting nonsensical garbage and not even allowing for an answer.

Covid was bungled from the start when they tried to hide it, then downplayed it, and then used it to further divide the country.

A hoax?

I can name a half dozen people that I know who died because they got covid.

Did we have to be masked and stay at home?

Who knows?

Maybe lives were saved.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I’m kind of an optimist. 

I think that the doctors and scientists were trying to make it less dangerous.

A lot of people made money off the pandemic, and the price gouging has gone on for a long, long time now.

Shame on all those people.


The sad fact of the matter is that we seemed to have swept it all aside. It was a mass casualty event. A lot of loved ones died prematurely, but there are no acknowledgments or memorials or mere mentions of it.

A hoax.

A lie.

A political football.

One thing is definitely true, though:

Congress won’t ever help.


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