Family Feud

The question was:

“Name one state that people chose as the state to represent the country.”

The woman answered:

“I’m gonna’ say, what do they call it, Philadelphia?”

Steve Harvey laughed.

“The state of Philadelphia!”

It wasn’t up there.

We watch the show whenever we remember it’s on around dinner time and it’s a little disconcerting to hear some of the answers of average Americans.

We are dumb!

Collectively, we are a country of morons, and I honestly wonder how some people even get dressed in the morning.

I also wonder what the hell happened in school.

Didn’t we all learn to read and spell and things like geography?

There are people who have no idea how many states there are, or what the branches of government are or do.

I was having a political discussion with one guy on a job site and he was very vocal about how things should be run.

I mentioned the House speaker and he said:

“I have no idea who that is.”

And a long time ago I heard John Mellencamp say that leading up to an election there should be programming on that teaches the electorate on what the candidates are about.

Great idea.

No one would watch.

Ignorance is bliss.

Besides, Family Feud is on.


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