Done Gone Broke

Steve Bannon headed off to jail this week.

Jenna Ellis was on X talking about how broke she is after her court cases.

The reason she made the post because she was talking about Mark Meadows who was indicted in Arizona…

…according to Ellis he’s lost all his money trying to defend his actions. He tried to convince the world that the election was stolen - knowing it was all a lie.

Not to mention Rudy Guiliani who is basically destitute and owes millions.

Fox News paid nearly a billion after losing their court case over lying.

Alex Jones was crying because he had to sell his ranch - he owes millions upon millions for saying that Sandy Hook was a staged event.

All the January 6 defendants are in jail…

…and you know who raised $400 million this week?


The guy they all tried to stand up for…

…he has forgotten ALL their names.

I would feel bad for some of those people if they weren’t the loudest voices who screamed that the orange menace was the second coming of Jesus.

Everything he touched has turned to shit.

Mark Meadows is broke and indicted.

Bannon is in jail.

Rudy is two meals away from living on the streets.

Too bad.

So sad.


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