House of Miracles

I feel compelled to tell you about my new book... House of Miracles. I am not writing this post to sell books, rather, it is an attempt to let you get to know some of the people involved. It truly is a long story that pushed me into writing the book, but it is a story that developed out of love of my fellow man.

You see, back in 2001, my son Jake was diagnosed with a life-threatening tumor. After a long ordeal, he was saved at The Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo, NY.

Up until that point in time, my life had moved along quite smoothly. I wasn't real aware of how a hospital works, what goes into the day of a surgeon, or a critical care nurse, or a hospital photographer, or chaplain. There was no reason for me to get to know any of these people, but through Jake's illness, I was allowed a glimpse into their world.

We as Americans have a real desire to be entertained. We idolize movie stars, beautiful girls with no appreciable talents, sports stars, and musicians. My son's illness was immediately after 9/11 - when the world was turned upside down - and thankfully the lives of policemen and firemen were re-examined. In my own personal turmoil, I was introduced to doctors, nurses, and other suffering parents.

House of Miracles is the story of The Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, NY, but more importantly, it is the story of the people behind the gowns, surgical masks, and the lens of the camera. There is so much negative feedback when the discussion of healthcare in America is raised, but let me tell you first, there are millions of success stories out there.

Sometimes what gets lost in the day-to-day, mind-numbing routine of life, is that there is a lot of love waiting just around the corner. I will never forget the moment when I walked through the hospital doors, and asked a group of total strangers to save the life of my child. We hear all of the negative... House of Miracles is a positive... about a group of people that I can never truly thank. Stay hungry, stay alive.


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