
The CEO who was gunned down in NYC had a salary of $10 million a year.

He was bringing home roughly $192,000 a WEEK!

Now figure out what Elon Musk - who is now worth $400 Billion - makes an hour.

Couple hundred grand a minute!

I know a whole lot of people who work harder than the CEO or Musk.

And it’s not to say that I want people to be gifted money that someone else has…

…but the reason why such fortunes are amassed is because the rules have been changed - by rich people - to take money from people who don’t have any.

Tax cuts for corporations again???

How do they sell that to the gullible public and still get them to vote against their own interests?

The same exact way they’ve always sold it!

Trickle down.

“We create jobs.”

Punching down.

“Those disabled people and those dark people are stealing from you.”

It’s like the wonderful wizard of oz.

“Don’t look behind the curtain.”

The secret that isn’t secret anymore?

When you cut taxes on the rich they buy back their own stock and enrich themselves further.

I don’t understand the end game as to when enough is enough.

$192 grand a week.

Does it need to be $500 grand a week?

While people suffer with polio?

Or go bankrupt because of medical bill?


“It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it,” Carlin said.

The club members are never satisfied.

And it’s going to wipe us out.


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