Only Going to Show it Once

I knew, at the start of the NFL season, that it would be virtually impossible to stay away from all of the games -

- I’ve done very well, but my friends and family are excited because the Bills are very good.

There’s no getting  away from the NFL - they own Sunday and Las Vegas and every community that has a team.

I do a lot of things not being emotionally involved in what I consider to be a barbaric game.

I was always a big football fan.

CTE ruined it for me.

Junior Seau was a great player - he’s dead - he shot himself in the chest, hoping that they’d study his brain to show the damage done.

They did study his brain and hid the results. Then the public found out and oh boy!!!

Everyone shrugged.

On Sunday, I cooked and played with Ollie and read a book.

The game was on, and I looked at the screen when someone scored…

…I also looked at the screen when the cart came out to get one of the wounded warriors.

The announcer was whispering to show his concern for the badly injured player.

The rest of the players were in a circle, praying, I guess.

“We’re only going to show the replay once because it’s so bad,” the announcer said.

“Why the hell would they even show it once?” Kathy asked.

“Because it’s entertaining,” I said. “To watch a man get maimed.”

And it WAS horrific - the man’s leg twisted so that his foot was on the opposite way.

“We’re going to take a commercial break,” the announcer whispered.

When they came back a minute later, the cart was gone.

Never mentioned the guy again.

Truth is, his career is most likely over.

He will be cut.

His contract null and void.

No chance for a pension.

Will spend the next 50 years trying to walk without a limp.


Just one of probably 75 men who were injured on Sunday…

…to entertain.

Are you ready for some football?


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