Every Damn Day

Mid-way through the day there was a post:


That was not a post from a teenage girl, rather it was from the pig running for president.

It’s not funny.

In fact, it’s dangerous because there’s a bushel of deplorables out there willing to take his violence to the streets.

An hour later we hear that there was another attempt on his life.

Add that to the last one and there seems to have been zero credible attempts on his life.

It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of that campaign following the pet-eating story of last week.

“If we have to make up stories than that’s what we’ll do,” his turd of a running partner said.

He said THAT yesterday!

But here we are…

…and here I am…

…talking about the turd in the punch bowl again.

The guy who says that this country is a shit hole every time he gets a microphone in front of him and claims that he’s the only one who can save us.




He was golfing at the time.

Told that dope Hannity that he was even par and was putting for birdie.

Who believes that?

I’m sure he was 8 over and he cheated to get there.

Know why I say that?

He cheats and lies about everything!

And we have to listen to it…

…every damn day.

It’s going to be a long, long journey to November because the more he falls behind the more crap he’s going to try and pull.

Assassination attempts?

Thoughts and prayers.


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