In the Name of God

 There are senators out there who throw out Bible verses on a regular basis.

There are others who are self-proclaimed religious men and they wear it like a badge and use their faith as a weapon.

It’s certainly turned me off on all of it.

We were watching a Dateline episode the other night and there was a pastor who was being interviewed in the disappearance of a missing woman.

He was out on the beach at 2:30 in the morning when he saw the missing woman.

“She was walking towards me and I prayed to God and asked Him if I should talk to her. I decided that if she stopped, then God wanted me to speak with her and that perhaps we could have a future.”

“Oh for fu**’s sake!” I called out.

Kathy laughed.

It turned out that the pastor didn’t do anything to the girl, but I wanted him arrested anyway for being so creepy and weird.

God must truly be bored if He is up there trying to figure out if the fat, creepy pastor has a chance with the pretty, young girl.

That’s what galls me about all of it.

“It’s God’s Plan,” someone will say after they’ve been exposed as a piece o’crap.

No, God isn’t the reason why you were busted for something.

God won’t stop mass shootings if we all pray super hard.

In fact, I think about the old bumper sticker, “Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.”

There’s a guy running for president who once in a while mentions God when he thinks he needs the Evangelical push.

Check his resume.

Any of it speak to Christian principles?

“Thoughts and prayers.”

Give me a break.


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