Bitter Fruit

Man, some people are just bitter and mean on social media.

It's scary, actually.

And I suppose that people can just go on there and troll news stories and just jump all over other people without fear of being called on it.

I'm not talking the hit and run and joking around stuff that my friends and I are famous for. I'm talking the real mean crap.

Here in Buffalo Jim Kelly is fighting cancer. His family has decided to take that fight and make it public, and while some may wonder about the motives of why they'd wage their battle in such a public forum, I sort of take it at face value.

They are looking for prayer.

They also know that Jim is a public figure and rather than let his condition be reported by others, they have taken the lead, and I also believe that they are illuminating the cancer story for all those other people who suffer.

I truly believe that those are their motives. Their love is front and center and they are letting others know that they will face the battle in such a manner. They turned their son's illness and death into a positive and they are once more leading the way.

But on social media, every single time there's a photo published, the comment section is all about some real negative crap.

In fact, it's so bitter and mean that it really makes you wonder about the world.

But those aren't the only places either.

You can post something like:

"This cold weather is driving me nuts!"

And someone will jump down your throat:

"That's what you get for believing Al Gore and the rest of the crazy bastards who tried to shove global warming down our throats, you commie bastard!"

It really has become that volatile out there, folks.

And I sort of don't get it.

I enjoy a whole lot about social media. I'm talking with and joking with a lot of people who I haven't seen in years. Every once in awhile I'll get in a sports discussion with a writer from the local newspaper or even playful banter with Suck Sux or O's fans.

All in good fun.

Even a healthy debate is okay from time to time.

Until it gets bitter and mean.

"Why do we have to hear about HIS cancer? What about everyone else out there? He gets what he had coming to him!!!!"


Do people really feel like that?

Man, that's some bitter fruit.


John said…
I think YOU are a "bitter fruit" (how's that for mean?)
Cliff Fazzolari said…
That's funny...cause you're being mean as you troll through. Isn't it ironic?
John said…
Glad you caught that irony.

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