D.B's of the Week - #5

For the D.B. of the week this week I'm gonna' let you take your choice:

Jessie Jackson


Al Sharpton

And believe me, I'm not being racist here.

In fact, I contend that they're the ones who are racist and actually hurt the cause way more than they help it. Ex-basketball star, Gilbert Arenas pretty much summed it up when he begged the black men of Ferguson to stop tearing apart their own neighborhoods while imploring them to stop listening to Sharpton.

Yet I throw Jessie Jackson in there as well because no matter what happens he's there mumble-mouthing his way through an incomprehensible speech that is designed to fan the flames of an already burning home.

Arenas went on to say that Sharpton never helps the cause...he only makes it worse...and that black men all over this great land shouldn't be spoken for by such an ill-informed D.B.

I'm right there with Arenas.

And let's be straight here.

What is happening in Ferguson, Missouri is downright scary. I caught the footage of the tear gas being sprayed into the crowd and before the announcer even spoke my brain automatically sent some wrong information.

I thought it was Iraq that I was seeing on the screen.

We are all one nation...or something like that was spoken by Obama in response...yet you know what I heard across the social media?

Why is Obama concerned with that black kid when white kids are shot and killed as well?

Well...it's not the same situation, is it?

People are looting, rioting, and fighting in the streets.

Perhaps the response to the shooting is all wrong...and how can you contend that it's not?...but the situation is being propelled by hate speech being slung by the likes of:

Sharpton and Jackson.

And I ask...how can there ever be a debate on the issue?

How will we ever get to the truth of the matter when before anything is even spelled out or digested we have those two front and center...not speaking for the black man...but imploring the hate to continue?

I want to know what happened to that kid.

Was he shot and killed as he attacked or was it simply an execution?

People in that town and in that state and in this nation deserve to know.

The response must be swift but measured and the questions must be asked.

They just shouldn't be asked by Sharpton or Jackson...

...they have a long history of being D.B.'s.


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