Lara Trump was on the campaign trail for her father-in law.
“The thing we can’t deny is that we were more prosperous and secure at the end of 2020 than we are now.”
2020 was the Covid year - the stock market tanked. Jobs were lost. People were being stored in freezer trucks and hospitals were stuffed to the gills.
So we CAN deny the prosperity talk.
It’s a common theme.
“The economy was the greatest economy ever!”
And I often think about how things went so wrong over the last 50 years or so.
Here’s the one truth that can’t be denied.
In 1950, the rich controlled 64% of the wealth in this country.
There was 36% of the wealth available to spread out to the working class-types.
A man could send his kids to college, own a car and a home as a guy who hung Sheetrock for a living. Most women stayed home.
Know what the percentage of money controlled by the rich is in 2024?
That money is in tax shelters, or is going for a yacht or a summer home.
The working class share - which is larger now - is just 6%.
Jobs are still being done - I spoke to a couple of guys who hang Sheetrock - they told me about not being able to afford a home - they work 50 hours a week at their main job and another 20 doing side jobs.
“Ain’t got a pot to piss in,” one guy said, and I work constantly.”
And how did it happen?
Remember trickle down?
Reagan introduced that little fantasy. It was re-upped as a talking point the last time they cut taxes on the wealthy.
So prosperous?
As the saying goes:
“Don’t piss on my leg and telling me it’s raining.”
We need a buzzer when a lie is told by a stumping politician.
That would be perfect.